Modern uses of cannabis

Cannabis flavour

These are some of the major modern uses of cannabis:

Medical and Therapeutic Uses

  • Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, with records of its use dating back to ancient China, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome. It has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments such as asthma, epilepsy, pain, glaucoma, and more.
  • Today, cannabis and its derivatives like THC and CBD are being researched and used to treat conditions like HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and others. Cannabis has shown potential therapeutic benefits for managing symptoms of these diseases.

Industrial and Commercial Uses

  • Beyond medicine, cannabis has many industrial and commercial applications:
  • Composites – Cannabis can be used to make various composite materials.
  • Health foods – Cannabis seeds and oils are used in health foods and supplements.
  • Cosmetics – Cannabis-derived compounds are used in cosmetic products.
  • Clothing – Cannabis fibers can be used to make textiles and clothing.
  • Biofuels – Cannabis biomass can be converted into biofuels.

Recreational Use

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Macro european joint ‘smoke weed everyday! 🙂
  • Historically, cannabis has also been used recreationally for its psychoactive effects, particularly the compound THC. This recreational use continues today in many parts of the world, though it remains illegal in most countries.
  • However, the recreational use of cannabis has also been associated with social, psychological, and medical risks, especially with prolonged use. This highlights the need for further research and regulation around cannabis use.

In summary, cannabis has a long history of use for medicinal, industrial, and recreational purposes, and continues to be an important and versatile plant with a wide range of modern applications.

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